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Pricing and relevant forms.

The first consultation is free. Ring or email me to book in and don't forget to download the referral form from this page. You'll need to get it filled in by your vet and then bring it along for the consult.


The price for a swim is a standard rate, no matter what the reason for the swim. £30 gets you a one hour session. Included in this will be a shower before and after. This acts as a warm up, and cool down from the exercise, and so should help to alleiviate any aches and pains the patient may have. It's also a chance to check the animal over before and after the therapy session.


On this page you will find three documents that you can download. The first is the Vet referal form. No patient is swum at White Phoenix without first having this filled in. It allows the vet (and anyone else involved in the rehab of the client) to fully understand all the treatments they are having - and therefore any impact their treatment might have.


Second is the Terms and Conditions for the Centre. Yes it's boring, but it's also important for you to understand how the centre works, so go on, read it anyway - it'll only take a minute.


Lastly, is a little guide on the do's and don'ts for the centre. It's not a big list of things, it's just a common sense guide to how the place operates and what you should expect when you get here.


To view the documents, simply click on the Phoenix logo that corresponds to the document you want - but if you do have more questions, just contact me using the contact function on the website.


Five days a week - by appointment only.



Unit 2

Strensham Business park,



07587 255340


© Copyright


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